Eastlake Little League Baseball
Eastlake Little League Official Website
Eastlake Boundaries
Northern City of Chula Vista Boundaries and/Second San Diego Aqueduct boundary east to Highway 125 South to Proctor Valley Road East the Upper Otay Reservoir.
South from Middle Upper Otay Reservoir south to the Middle of Lower Otay Reservoir to the San Diego County Line.
Little League Age Chart for 2009 – Baseball Only
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 2003 and April 30, 2004 is league age 5.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 2002 and April 30, 2003 is league age 6.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 2001 , and April 30, 2002 , is league age 7.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 2000 , and April 30, 2001 , is league age 8.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1999 , and April 30, 2000 , is league age 9.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1998 , and April 30, 1999 , is league age 10.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1997 , and April 30, 1998 , is league age 11.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1996 , and April 30, 1997 , is league age 12.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1995 , and April 30, 1996 , is league age 13.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1994 , and April 30, 1995 , is league age 14.
SENIORS (not played at ELL):
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1993 , and April 30, 1994 , is
league age 15.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1992 , and April 30, 1993 , is
league age 16.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1991 , and April 30, 1992 , is
league age 17.
A participant born on or between the dates of May 1, 1990 , and April 30, 1991 , is
league age 18.
NOTE: This age chart is for baseball divisions only, and only for 2009.
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